Aunt Lyn's Doggie Wellness Update

Dec. 2019 v4
Whether you are using a reputable breeder, going through a rescue or adopting, the health of that puppy or dog, is determined by several factors; Genetic background , Environment and Nutrition.
We often discuss nutrition and environmental contributors ( household products, contaminants, allergens) and how these can have positive and negative impact on your pup.
Today we are going to talk about the importance of knowing the Health History and Genetic Background, of your dog.
In the recent past, only reputable breeders, were able to provided Health Histories; through testing and obtaining Health Certifications on their line, but now -thanks to advances in DNA and Genetic Testing, dogs of mixed ethnic backgrounds, can also obtain useful insight .
This insight can give their owners, the ability to watch, test and possibly prevent, hereditary, breed specific, genetic weaknesses.
Below are important links you can use, to help the fur baby you already have or the one you are thinking of adding to your family.
We hope you will read this newsletter it in its entirety, in order to understand HOW to use these links, which include online ;
DNA testing, Genetic Testing . Breed Specific AKC -Breeder Testing Requirements.
Used together these are powerful tools....
To Help YOU -Help Your Fur Baby -live a Long Healthy Life ;-)
Wiggles & Wags.....
-Aunt Lyn -
Important Links :
AKC Health Testing Requirements By Breed
Genetic Testing
1st Choice North Carolina State Veterinary Hospital for Genetic Testing
2nd Choice -Animal Genetic Testing
1st Choice -WISDOM
2nd Choice - EMBARK

Often times families do BOTH. The main point is we are ALL Dog LOVERS!
Below we will cover Rescue and Adoption and what tools are available to You AND how to Use them!
Then what Reputable Breeders will provide in terms of certification and health history of their line, using the standard AKC requirements.
These Important Certifications not only help your pup, but the breed itself.
You see when we use a pet shop, or puppy mill or backyard breeder- they DO NOT provide the basic breed health certification, from the lineage, that the AKC requires of reputable breeders, and when we buy from them - we are supporting the PROBLEM.
Look we have at least once in our lives, fallen for the puppy and over-looked the person /place selling the pup--and though we would NOT trade the pup for anything in the world......
What we want to do is INCREASE the Health, Wellness and Longevity of our beloved companions, by supporting those who have the same Focus!
And you will see what to look for below!
Rescue / Adoption and Health Testing |

Why is this important?
Well for several reasons but we will mention two;
Training- certain breeds are hunting others sporting, still others can be herding dogs, this can help you devise a training path that helps you communicate, on level with their drive and instinct.
This insight can make all the difference.
Health- which is what we are focusing on today. If you know the breeds that make up the bulk of your fur babies genetic background, you can familiarize yourself with the known health weakness.
For Example:
German Shepherds - can be prone to Hip Dysplasia.
Golden Retrievers - Skin Conditions
Labradors - OCD not like humans lol but this is canine elbow and shoulder dysplasia.
Every breed has health weaknesses and KNOWLEDGE is KEY!
- FIRST step is to order a DNA testing kit
We have suggest sticking to reputable companies that have been around such as WISDOM or EMBARK . They offer various levels standard BNA to Identify breed upto testing for hundreds of known genetic markers for possible health conditions . Cost can be as low as $30 to $175, and they often have saving coupons and promotions.
- Order
- Receive your kit
- Swab your dog's Cheek
- Mail back the sample
- Receive complete analysis in 2-4 weeks
You would be surprised to see that some " pure breed " are not pure. Again not reputable breeders but pet shop, puppy mill and backyard breeders-cannot be trusted
- Second Step once your fur babies breed profile is known look up the known health weaknesses.
Start here AKC Health Testing Requirements By Breed.
The AKC has reputable breeders test for known weakness.
NOTE : We are using the Boxer breed as an example only :
This is what the AKC Health Testing Requirements for Boxer:
- Hip Evaluation
- Elbow Evaluation
- Thyroid Evaluation
- ASSAS Cardio
- Aortic Valve Disease
- Boxer Cardiomyopathy
- Degenerative Myelopathy DNA Test
BUT you can take IMPORTANT STEPS -based on the DNA BREED HISTORY- that can help Protect Your FURBABY!
Using the Boxer Potential Health Issue Listed Above - and by working with your Vet you can:
- Order yearly Thyroid testing at each physical.
- Order a baseline x ray of the hip and elbow (this can be done during a puppy's spay or neuter or an dog's teeth cleaning),
- Obtain yearly Holter monitor test, and
- ARVC Genetic test.

- Use DNA testing to find out what Breeds are prominent in your Furbaby.
- Look up the AKC Breeder Standards for Testing, to find our the known breed weaknesses.
- Work with Your Vet to Prevent by monitoring testing
We know in Humans that certain gene mutations can be linked to Breast Cancer.
This does NOT mean Breast cancer is a certainty, when the gene is present....- but by identifying who has the mutation we can use closer diagnostics to help early detection.
The same is true with our Fur babies and genetic testing.
Knowledge should bring STRENGTH ACTION not FEAR
All reputable breeders will have AKC Health Testing Requirements By Breed. and most have more than what is recommended.
These are the types of Breeder to look for:
Ones who show their dogs, they have champion titles and their dogs are part of the family. They breed their dogs once maybe twice in the female's life, in order to continue the line. Their dogs are their companions and live in their homes.
- Ones who are very active in the show arena, have champion lines. They have litters not only themselves- but for others in the show circuit and not every dog can be show circuit and so they have a waiting list of families who are looking for simply companion pups. They may have a few breeding age females, who have on litter a year, and they have either a male champain stud or they will hire a champion stud. The health wellness of the breed is a priority, they do not tax the females with more than a litter a year. Look for their fur babies to be part of their family and of course live in their home.
- Larger “Kennels” that are well known in their specific breed circuit. You will begin to know them because as you research , you will see their kennel name titled in many champions, and the smaller breeder types listed above with have the kennel name CH. (Champion ) and their Kennel Name in their dog's lineage. They have their fur babies who live with them, in their home, but they also have dogs in their breeding program -who live in a kenneled environment. Kenneled meaning fine conditions both indoor and out. Heated and air cooled temperature controlled Kennels, for sleeping. They also have large clean indoor and outdoor runs for exercise and fresh air.
- TIP: When walking through a Kennel the dogs should seem happy content, relaxed, some playing w, others resting all comfortably. They will not appear starved for attention but alert friendly attentive and approachable. They listen to the Kennel owners commands and you should see love respect and a bond between them.

- Lastly – you may find friend of yours who is breeding their dog. Their dog meets the breed standard, are AKC registered , They know the parents and have the lineage health history from whom they got their dog and of the stud .They have Health Certifications , Thyroid, Hip ,Elbow , Heart.... but they have no champions or show history for their pup or the stud.....
Again we want to Advance the Health and Longevity of the breeds we love.
We want do NOT WANT TO SUPPORT breeding irresponsibly causing issues like hip, knees or degenerative early onset arthritis, skin, gastro allergy heart issues , cancers, to be prevalent.
What Else Should You Look For In a Breeder : |
HEALTH: Certifying that their breeding stock is health tested in accordance with the recommendations of their breed’s AKC Breed Parent Club. Visit our Health Testing Requirements page to see the requirements for your breed(s).
EDUCATION: Promising that they will pursue AKC-provided or AKC-approved continuing breeder education so that they stay educated on the best breeding practices, including advances in canine health.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Agreeing to comply with the AKC Care and Conditions Policy, including inspections by the AKC, and promising to share health testing and continuing education documentation with AKC.
RESPONSIBILITY: Accepting responsibility for the health and well-being of the puppies they produce and for complying with all laws regarding the ownership and maintenance of dogs.
- TRADITION: Upholding the AKC’s tradition of breeding purebred dogs that are happy and healthy.
- Have a history of at least 5 years involvement with AKC events.
- Have earned AKC Conformation, Performance or Companion event titles on a minimum of 4 dogs from AKC litters they bred or co-bred.
- Be a member of an AKC club.
- Certify that applicable health screens are performed on your breeding stock as recommended by the Parent Club.
-NOTE : we will use Boxers, as an example only,
however, the links we provide can be used as tools for all Breeds.
-The Pricing examples are specific to the Boxer breed,
but what to expect of the breeder, regarding low to high pricing is the same.
-We suggest you google average pricing for the breed of interest.
- AKC Boxers with Champion lines - full Generational Health History and the AKC Breeder Health Certificates can range from $1200- $1800+.
- AKC Breeder without Champion Titles in parents-full Generational Health History and AKC Breeder Health Certifications will $800 to $1000 on average.

This is Zech parentage. CH =Champion Title – you may also see show and working dog titles.
In Bh =Basic companionship, HGH = Herding dog, Sch= Schutzhund which has multiple levels.
See Show and Working Dog Titles Here
Will Include Sire father's name. His CH=Champion Titles, which can be verified with AKC, the owners name.
The Sire's BH = Temperament Test, which verifies identity by micro chip or tattoo.
IP01 is the first level the dog can pass.
The Sire's Parents, their championships and owner of record.
This is repeated for the Dam the mother's name etc...
You can see WHY dogs who have earned these titles cost more, using the Boxer, again as an example, they can be $1800plus. The Health, the Temperament,of the line is well documented.
Learn about competing, showing and earning titles : Working Dog and Parent Club Titles
HD =Hip Dysplasia A = Clear, Hip Evaluation, Clear,
OFA =Orthopedic Foundation of Animals there motto is Health Tested Parents for Healthier Puppies.
When a Puppy is OFA CARDO or OFC PATELLA ( knee) OFC THYROID they and their parents tests are Registered and you can look up here to verify:
Visit OFA- Orthopedic Foundation of Animals here- for more insight into what to look for.
DM- Degenerative Myelopathy (heart) and ARVC (heart) gene mutations can be found through genetic testing.
By not breeding those that carry the gene mutation- reputable breeders protect the health of the gene pool, help strengthen the longevity and health of the breed.
Now my Boxer Max carries 1 gene for ARVC, the breeder I adopted him from did not test the breeding dogs in his kennel.
I had Max tested, because a pup from another liier with Max's Sire and dam- had sudden Cardiac Failure from ARVC and Max's mom and father died suddenly in their sleep.
By using a simple genetic test I was able to confirm Max carried the gene .
What does this mean ?
Now my Vet and Myself can watch and take preventive action, like halter testing twice a year.
Max is Neutered- but had he nor been this test would have been enough to NOT breed MAX.
So you can see how these tests can help even your Adult Dog!
Here a few of the genetic testing centers we use . They help all Breeds and you can look up the test you need by, understanding your breeds susceptibility, by using the AKC breeder Testing Requirements by Breed :
North Carolina State Veterinary Hospital for Genetic Testing
Animal Genetic Testing
We like the Veterinary Hospital of NC because they compile the data from their testing to advance the studies of breed genetic health informations.
In Closing, whether you adopt, rescue or are purchasing a pedigree pup- we hope you will take the links and knowledge we have provided and use it in helping to advance the well being of your pup to be.
If you already have a Fur baby-- this info and the provided links can help you learn about the health of your pup! Armed with information- working with your vet- you can give him or her the best care based on their individual health needs.
Wags & Wiggles !
“ See our New Wellness Oils and Herbs Catalog “

Have Nutrition- Wellness -or Training Questions?
We are here to Help YOU - Help your Dog
Schedule a Date and Time for a phone Chat-WITH A REAL PERSON!